32 Essential Tips for Those Who Want to Have a Guinea Pig

32 Essential Tips for Those Who Want to Have a Guinea Pig 32 Essential Tips for Those Who Want to Have a Guinea Pig (Photo: Jack Catalano/Unsplash)

Guinea pigs, or cavies as they are often called, are very sweet creatures that make great pets.

Although they require less maintenance compared to dogs and cats, for example, they still need specific care

1 – Do your research and prepare before buying a guinea pig;

2 – Provide a suitable shelter;

3 – Ensure they have space to exercise;

4 – Be cautious with other household animals and do not let them interact without supervision;

5 – Keep them in pairs or more;

Provide a proper diet, focused on leafy greens and small amounts of fruit

6 – Provide a proper diet, focused on leafy greens and small amounts of fruit;

7 – If necessary, offer pellet food as a supplement to their diet;

8 – Maintain good oral health;

9 – Provide enrichment options;

10 – Watch out for potential household hazards, as they like to chew;

11 – Handle them with great care and delicacy;

12 – Maintain a hygiene routine, including brushing their fur to avoid mats and trimming their nails regularly;

13 – Contact your veterinarian to keep their vaccinations up to date;

14 – Provide fresh water;

Offer foraging options to keep their natural wild instincts satisfied

15 – Offer foraging options to keep their natural wild instincts satisfied;

16 – If you don’t want pregnancies, avoid keeping adults of opposite sexes together;

17 – Watch out for fleas and ticks;

18 – Avoid mixing rodents in the same habitat by not keeping hamsters, rabbits, and guinea pigs together;

19 – Their life expectancy is 5 to 7 years, but the oldest guinea pig lived up to 14 years;

20 – Guinea pigs may eat their own feces, which is considered normal behavior;

21 – Keep their cages clean;

22 – Try different types of bedding to see what works best for your pet;

23 – Keep the temperature below 26°C to prevent overheating;

Provide plenty of hay and grass for them to eat

24 – Provide plenty of hay and grass for them to eat;

25 – Monitor their vitamin C levels to avoid health problems;

26 – Don’t overdo the treats;

27 – Take your time building a bond with them, as guinea pigs can take a while to open up;

28 – Choose a companion of the same species wisely to avoid conflicts;

29 – Guinea pigs sleep about 4 to 6 hours a day, so don’t be surprised if they are awake most of the day;

30 – Decide carefully whether to let your guinea pig live outdoors or inside a cage;

31 – Watch out for toxic plants, such as bellflowers, daisies, buttercups, and others;

Keep them away from potential predators

32 – Keep them away from potential predators, including cats, owls, and snakes.

Photos: Pexels. https://petepop.com.br/32-dicas-fundamentais-para-quem-pretende-ter-um-porquinho-da-india/

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